These exciting online sessions will give you the tools you need to take action and make your community more economically resilient.

These exciting online sessions will give you the tools you need to take action and make your community more economically resilient. From hosting a neighborhood walk, to fighting freeways, to turning stroads into streets—each of the tour stops provides participants with the tools and inspiration they need to get started building strong towns right now!

Each online stop features:

  • An engaging presentation on a specific topic, led by a Strong Towns team member, including concrete ideas and advice for making your town stronger.
  • An in-depth conversation with a special guest who has extensive experience taking action in this field.
  • A printable “Action Guide” and other resources you can use right now in your community.

The Local-Motive Tour moves beyond the theoretical to give you immediate steps you can take to make your place financially strong and prosperous.
View all Local-Motive Tour stops and purchase your individual tickets.

There Are Two Ways To Access the Tour

1. Purchase a full round-trip package.

This entitles you to an all-access, lifetime pass to each of the eight pre-recorded sessions, plus two bonus sessions only for round-trip ticket holders. Strong Towns members receive a 20% discount.

  • Strong Towns member round-trip package price: $100.
  • Non-member round-trip package price: $125.
2. Purchase tickets for individual stops on the tour.

Just interested in a couple topics? Grab a ticket to whichever of the eight main sessions interests you.

  • Individual event ticket price: $25.

Have any questions? See our FAQ page for more information.

Feedback from Past Participants

"What a great hour of encouragement!"

"This talk is a home run!"

"Amazingly frank and useful webinar."

"Looking forward to rewatching this and pulling apart all these great nuggets of wisdom."