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Creating Housing Opportunities in a Strong Town
Core Objectives and Orientation (6:01)
Section 1: Understanding the Housing Market
Lesson 1: The Housing Market is a Complex System (8:32)
Lesson 2: What factors affect the price of a home? (9:13)
Lesson 3: Supply, demand, and vacancy rates (8:43)
Lesson 4: Understanding the developer’s business model (11:56)
Preparing Your Plan: Mock Pro Forma Exercise (10:46)
Section 2: Housing in a Traditional City
Lesson 1: The power of growing incrementally (8:18)
Lesson 2: How rising land values prompt redevelopment (6:21)
Lesson 3: A diverse, flexible mix (7:15)
Lesson 4: Adaptation of Buildings - Hives and Barnacles (3:53)
Lesson 5: Incremental Improvement Over Time (5:18)
Lesson 6: A City Shaped by Many Hands (6:19)
Lesson 7: Incremental doesn’t mean slow (7:47)
Preparing Your Plan: Take a Field Trip
Section 3: Housing Under the Suburban Experiment
Lesson 1: Origins of the Suburban Experiment (6:31)
Lesson 2: The Beginning of Federal Housing Policy (10:01)
Lesson 3: Growing the Market for Housing (7:18)
Lesson 4: The Financialization Trap (10:08)
Lesson 5: Development to a Finished State (7:56)
Lesson 6: Designed to Decline (10:58)
Lesson 7: Boom and Bust (6:36)
Preparing Your Plan: Understanding the Suburban Experiment in Your Town
Section 4: Artificially Induced Decline
Lesson 1: How the Suburban Experiment Affected Cities (6:45)
Lesson 2: Redlining (9:05)
Lesson 3: The interstate highway system and the hollowing out of cities (8:32)
Lesson 4: Urban downzoning (9:18)
Preparing Your Plan: What's the legacy of redlining in your city?
Section 5: The Trickle or the Fire Hose
Lesson 1: The Problem of the Trickle or the Fire Hose (10:09)
Lesson 2: Gentrification and Cataclysmic Money (7:57)
Lesson 3: "No-Build Zones" (9:21)
Lesson 4: When Big Developers Dominate the Housing Market (9:30)
Preparing Your Plan: The Trickle and Fire Hose in Your City
Section 6: The Missing Middle and Incremental Development
Lesson 1: Intro to Incremental Development (8:24)
Lesson 2: Incremental Development as a Housing Strategy (10:46)
Lesson 3: The Missing Middle (10:24)
Lesson 4: Accessory Dwelling Units (12:43)
Lesson 5: What (and who) is an incremental developer? (8:55)
Lesson 6: Confronting Barriers to Incremental Development (11:47)
Preparing Your Plan: SWOT Analysis
Section 7: Zoning and the Housing Market
Lesson 1: Why zoning matters (8:40)
Lesson 2: It's not just zoning (11:33)
Lesson 3: The D Word (10:08)
Lesson 4: Upzoning (10:13)
Lesson 5: The cost of delay and uncertainty (11:45)
Lesson 6: Who benefits from complicated rules? (10:42)
Lesson 7: As-of-right Development (9:48)
Preparing Your Plan: Kick the Tires on Your Zoning Code (9:28)
Section 8: Transportation Policy Is Housing Policy (and Vice Versa)
Lesson 1: Transportation Policy is Housing Policy (8:46)
Lesson 2: Transportation and Affordability (6:05)
Lesson 3: The 15-Minute Neighborhood (8:07)
Lesson 4: Job Access and Spatial Mismatch (9:39)
Lesson 5: Transit-Oriented Development (9:21)
Lesson 6: Parking Policy is Housing Policy (8:12)
Preparing Your Plan: Jobs and Housing (7:13)
Section 9: Addressing Affordability
Lesson 1: Affordability is a Wicked Problem (11:07)
Lesson 2: Making Affordable Housing vs. Making Housing Affordable (5:56)
Lesson 3: "Why Are Developers Only Building Luxury Housing?" (9:48)
Lesson 4: How Does New Development Affect Existing Rents? (14:16)
Lesson 5: Capital-A Affordable: How housing subsidy works in the U.S. (15:33)
Lesson 6: Subsidized Housing and the Strong Towns Approach (7:21)
Lesson 7: Addressing Homelessness (6:47)
Lesson 8: Gentrification and Displacement (11:52)
Section 10: The Other Housing Crisis: Disinvestment and Decline
Lesson 1: The “Other” Housing Crisis (9:42)
Lesson 2: There’s No Such Thing as a Bad Neighborhood (7:57)
Lesson 3: The Power of Small Public Investments: The Memphis Model (6:43)
Lesson 4: Return on Confidence: The Oswego Model (Paul Stewart) (14:44)
Lesson 5: Revitalization Without Gentrification: Derek Avery Interview (9:57)
Lesson 6: Dealing with Blight and Neglect (10:05)
Lesson 7: Foreclosure and Tax Forfeiture (11:52)
Lesson 8: The Local Case for Reparations (11:53)
Section 11: NIMBYism and the Politics of Housing
Lesson 1: Understanding NIMBYism: The Neighbor’s Dilemma (11:21)
Lesson 2: Navigating the Politics of Housing (10:13)
Lesson 3: A Changing Conversation (8:18)
Conclusion (6:16)
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